Unbearably Light
I do not think that word means what you think it means.

Chapter of Accidents

Yeah so I managed to injure myself at the weekend – the very weekend that should have contained joys such as Hard Working Class Heroes and Kiss and me finally starting to pack so I can move into the new groovy crib. None of these happened. Well HWCH and Kiss went on regardless. Can’t have been very good though, without me. Obviously.

I’m watching Nigella Lawson here make something involving peanut butter and olive oil. It looks quite yummy but she is very odd. She sort of looks like she is teetering on the edge of a nervous breakdown all the time. Like the perfect hostess who is always having dinner parties but suddenly gets out the Kalashnikov and shoots all her guests one night when the souffle doesn’t rise correctly. Maybe it’s just me.

Anyway, I have much to blog about but despite injury Real Life is feckin hectic at the moment. I will make up for it soon, with posts about Alice Munro and books about Brooklyn and Saul Bellow and other literary type things (when you’re lying on your back injured it’s a good time to think about such things). Also World War 2. I’m timely and up to the minute like that.


One Response to “Chapter of Accidents”

  1. “She sort of looks like she is teetering on the edge of a nervous breakdown all the time. Like the perfect hostess who is always having dinner parties but suddenly gets out the Kalashnikov and shoots all her guests one night when the souffle doesn’t rise correctly”

    heehee – that is so true.

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